11-818 Series
Technical Data
Compressed air only
Maximum Inlet Pressures:
10 bar standard unit
14 bar high pressure unit
8 bar low pressure unit
Operating Temperature:
0°C* to +70°C
*Consult our Technical Service for use below +2°C
Recommended Regulated Pressures††:
0,07 - 4 bar standard unit
0,4 - 10 bar high pressure unit
0,02 - 0,5 bar low pressure unit
††Regulated Pressure should be read from a ‘Test’ gauge installed on a properly
designed pressure take-off Tee-piece fitted downstream of the controller.
Maximum Flow (standard unit) with 8 bar inlet pressure, 4 bar
outlet pressure and pressure drop of 0,005 bar:
8 dm3/s
Maximum Flow (high pressure unit) with 10 bar inlet pressure,
8 bar outlet pressure and pressure drop of 0,01 bar:
4 dm3/s
Maximum Flow (low pressure unit) with 8 bar inlet pressure,
0,4 bar outlet pressure and pressure drop of 0,025 bar:
4 dm3/s
Note: These units are not recommended for dead-end use.
Zinc alloy body and bonnet. Acetal resin adjusting knob.
Synthetic rubber elastomeric materials.