Single acting
Stainless steel, air bellows, serviceable
Ø 220 ...400 mm
Technical Data
Compressed air, non-lubricated
Single acting
Operating Pressure:
8 bar maximum
Operating Temperature:
-40°C to + 70°C for KM/31000 (Standard)
-25°C to + 90°C for TKM/31000 (Butyl)
-20°C to + 115°C for EKM/31000 (Epichlore)
Nominal Diameters:
8, 10, 12, 14 1/2 inches
Stroke Lengths:
From 80 to 380 mm max., depending on
diameters and number of convolutions
End plates: Stainless Steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Fixing studs: Stainless Steel 1:4301 (AISI 304)
Central ring: Stainless Steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)
Rubber part: KM/31000 fabric reinforced NR-, SBR-,
BR- compound rubber
TKM/31000 fabric reinforced Butyl
EKM/31000 fabric reinforced Epichlore
Important Instructions:
The design of these Air Bellows allows an operation at an angle
of 5° to 25°. The top and bottom plate can be out of alignment,
depending on the height of the Air Bellow and the number of convolutions.
To avoid damage mechanical stops at both end positions
have to be used. To return Air Bellows to their minimum
height an external return force must be used. The thrust depends
directly on the height of the Air Bellow: When height increases –
the thrust decreases. As the outside diameter varies in operation
there must be enough clearance around the Air Bellow.