V09 Nugget 40
17 mm body
3/2, 5/2, 5/3
453 l/min
Technical Data Wireway
Indication by red LED (d.c.) or neon (a.c.)
Flywheel diode for d.c.
Suppression by diode (d.c.) or VDR (a.c.)
Red LED = correct movement of armature
Orange LED = failed operation
50% power saving following correct armature movement
Valve Terminal pins to DIN 43650 table 'C'
Temperature Range:
–20°C to +50°C
*Consult our Technical Service for use below +2°C
Degree of protection:
IP40 ‘D’ sub-connector
IP65 Round type plug
IP65 Conduit entry type
Glass fibre reinforced co-polymer mouldings for wireway
housings and modules. Conduit end caps – zinc pressure
die-cast. Aluminium alloy end plates and aluminium pressure
die-cast sub-base modules.